Tuesday 27 July 2010

Sneak Peeks!

With the next issue due on sale soon (6th August) I thought I'd tease you a bit with a couple of sneaky peeks at the content! These pictures are from two of my personal favourite projects from the magazine - both stunning, though completely different in style.

We also have a new feature starting up in the Sept issue called 'Designer's Palette' which will focus on colour schemes, with a little nod to colour theory too. Three of our regular team are taking turns on this article, and I think it will be a nice addition to magazine. I know some of our readers struggle to find new colour combinations, so hopefully it will be useful too.

Last but of course not least, you'll find full details of our Stamper of the Year competition in the magazine. This year we've made it easier to enter and also introduced a new category so NO EXCUSES - I want your entry here pronto!!!

Katy x


  1. Looking forward to the next issue and the competition. I'm ready and waiting to get started.
    Anika x

  2. The Designer's Palette sounds really good, can't wait for postie to bring my copy.

  3. Ooooh what a tease! Can't wait to see the new copy. I am looking forward to reading the article on colour, and to the next one about principles of design. I found this really helpful.

  4. Looks intriguing - roll on 6th August!

    Sarah x
