Tuesday 1 May 2012

SOTY - Round 2!

Ding, Ding - time for Round Two!

Round two of the competition is sponsored by Chocolate Baroque and to enter you need to make one item using a Chocolate Baroque product - how easy is that? Glenda has some really lush new designs, so why not treat yourself to something to use for your competition entry? (Any excuse to shop is good as far as I am concerned!)

Full details of how to enter are in the latest issue of the magazine (and more details of the new format are in the post below). This round of the competition closes on 30th June 2012. Can't wait to see your designs!

(Don't forget there is still time to enter Round One, sponsored by PaperArtsy  - closes 31 May).

1 comment:

  1. We would absolutely love to see what wonderful artwork you create with our stamps and hope that you will consider having a go. If you are looking for inspiration, why not take a look at our community site and connect with other Chocolate Baroque fans.
